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Self-Employment & Entrepreneurship for Women Beneficiaries At International Labour Organization

Purpose & Objectives
The programme will capacitate a network of women entrepreneurs previously supported through the previous project. This network will allow for organizing women-owned businesses benefiting from the intervention and positioning them as leaders who provide advisory services to other women in their communities. The programme will also integrate scalable women-owned enterprises previously supported by the previous project with business aggregators, e-commerce platforms and other available marketplaces to expand their linkages with domestic and external markets and in turn scale and sustain their business.
Throughout this implementation agreement, the implementing partner is expected to do the following:
Build the capacity of national partners, including business development services and women networks to support target beneficiaries in scaling their business and accessing markets through innovative solutions, including e-commerce platforms and business aggregators. Provide target beneficiaries with advanced training in core areas related to sustainable business management and digital entrepreneurship Provide additional financial support for target beneficiaries exhibiting strong potential for scalability to benefit from needed business development support services.

Scope of Work and Methodology

  1. Provide technical support through monitoring and mentoring visits for 139 women from previous WDB beneficiaries receiving seed funding to enhance their skills to expand their businesses.
  2. Conduct training needs analysis (TNA) for previous WDB beneficiaries to assess level of their capacities, needs and readiness to benefit from training in topics of business digitalization (e.g., marketing and selling online).
    The assessment for demand side should analyse the following information:
    • Digital literacy and capacities refugee entrepreneurs and MSMEs business-owners
    • Access to digital technology, connection, data and services and related challenges
    • Sectors of employment or self-employment of refugees and trends and demand for digital services within these sectors
    • Awareness of digital financial and non-financial services, with a particular focus on:
    • Awareness of the services: in areas where services are available, how do entrepreneurs and business-owners know about offered digital services?
    • Awareness of providers: do entrepreneurs know about the providers of digital business and financial services?
    • Awareness of need: do entrepreneurs feel any need for entrepreneurship digital training?
      • Demand and incentives of refugees to improve their skills to start a business in the digital economy (e.g. web design) or to use digital skills and tools to improve one or more areas of their business (e.g. online marketing or digital payments). Do they have any incentives to do so, and have they already invested (time and resources) in this area? What are the specific needs of potential and existing entrepreneurs in terms of training in digitalising business operations?
  3. Conduct mapping exercise to identify the best approach to inform the adaptation of DYB, support women to scale up their businesses through digital tools and to link them with existing available e-marketing/ e-commerce/ e-trade platforms.
    The mapping exercise for Business Development services and digital platforms assessment should include the following aspects:
    • Information on the regulatory environment of the digital economy (electronic transactions, data privacy, consumers protection, etc.)
    • Existing and planned interventions by government and donors or NGOs in the area of digital capacity building or digitalization.
    • Main social networks and digital platforms to promote and sell products/services online in Jordan, as well as available payment gateways and processors.
    • Actors: What actors/organizations/providers/platforms/programs are providing digital services and or relevant business development service? Do they have
    ▪ A mandate and experience in micro and small enterprise development?
    ▪ Credibility and reputation among micro and small enterprises in their geographical area of intervention?
    ▪ A sound foundation to enhance the sustainability of their SIYB programme in the future?
    ▪ Consideration for young people as viable clients?
    • Market Size: what type of digital business services (training, coaching, other services) are currently provided by these public and private institutions? The report must include specific information about training services, their outreach quality, prices and funding mechanisms as far as possible.
    • Target Group: what businesses (micro, small, medium, large), entrepreneurs and sectors (manufacturing, trade, services, etc) do existing providers target? If the actor is not working with refugees, is there any incentive/interest to do so in the future?
    • Training curricula: what types of training is currently provided and what topics are covered?
    • Capacity: how many employees work for the providers? How many trainers, consultants and coaches are in their employ? In term of infrastructure and materials, how well equipped are they to offer digital trainings?
    • Trainers: what is the qualification (education level, experience with business start-ups) of trainers employed by these service providers? How committed motivated and active are they?
    • Prices: are fees charged for services and training? How much? Are they subsidized?
    • Promotion: what means of promotion are service providers using to reach out to potential clients?
  4. Provide technical, admin and logistical support for the ILO’s master trainer, to help him/her adopt the ILO’s DYB training package and to develop a tailored training programme (in both Arabic and [1]English) for a 3 to 5 days training on DYB for vulnerable Jordanians and Syrians Refugees women.
  5. Provide admin and logistical support for conducting five days DYB/ ToT training by the ILO’s master trainer for 20 certified trainer from previous WDB training program.
  6. Provide technical, admin and logistical assistance for the DYB/ToT’s graduates to conduct a 5 days workshop on the DYB training program for 150 women from the previous WDB beneficiaries receiving seed funding.

7.Establish steering/advisory committee to select at least 100 women from the previous WDB beneficiaries to receive new seed-funding based on pre-identified selecting criteria. The selection will be from the trained 150 in activity 5.
8. Provide at least 100 women with seed-funding to scale up their businesses using digital marketing platform.
9. Conduct one day workshop to build the capacity of national partners and NGOs by introducing the newly established women-entrepreneurship and business platform.
The ILO will assign a master trainer to manage, support and supervise the following activities:
▪ The adaption process of the ILO’s DYB training package
▪ To conduct TOT for the previous WDB trainers on the ILO’s DYB training package
▪ To supervise the delivery of the DYB training for vulnerable Jordanians and Syrians Refugees women

Deliverables, Timeframe & Indicative Work Programme
The work is planned to start on 15th April 2023 and is expected to be completed no later than September 15th , 2023. The deadlines in the table below are a suggestion. However, it is preferable to abide by the starting date and finish date of the assignment.

1. Stage : Planning and Design phase

Task :

 Provide technical support through monitoring and mentoring visits for 139 women from previous WDB beneficiaries receiving seed funding to enhance their skills to expand their businesses.

– Conduct training needs analysis (TNA) for previous WDB beneficiaries to assess level of their capacities, needs and readiness to benefit from training in topics of business digitalization (e.g., marketing and selling online).

– Conduct mapping exercise to identify the best approach to inform the adaptation of DYB, support women to scale up their businesses through digital tools and to link them with existing available e-marketing/ e-commerce/ e-trade platforms.

Deliverables :

 Summary report on visits conducted for monitoring and mentoring.

– Training Needs Analysis (TNA) Report .

– Mapping exercise report .

Due Date : 5 June 2023

2. Stage : Training programme Development and implementation Assistance to the Master Trainer on the Training Programme development and implementation

Task :

– Provide technical, admin and logistical support for the ILO’s master trainer, to help him/her adopt the ILO’s DYB training package and to develop a tailored training programme (in both Arabic and [1]English) for a 3 to 5 days training on DYB for vulnerable Jordanians and Syrians Refugees women.

– Provide admin and logistical support for conducting five days DYB/ ToT training by the ILO’s master trainer for 20 certified trainer from previous WDB training program.

– Provide technical, admin and logistical assistance for the DYB/ToT’s graduates to conduct a 5 days workshop on the DYB training program for 150 women from the previous WDB beneficiaries receiving seed funding

Deliverables :

– Progress report including the trainers feedback, admin and logistical support to assist the master trainer to adapt the DYB training package to Jordanian context.

– Progress report including admin and logistical support to assist the master trainer to conduct five days DYB/ ToT training.

– Progress report including technical support, admin and logistical support to conduct 5 days workshop for 150 women.

Due Date : 15 July 2023

3. Stage : Beneficiaries’ Selection

Task :

– Establish steering/ advisory committee to select at least 100 women from the previous WDB beneficiaries to receive new seed-funding based on pre-identified selecting criteria.

– Provide at least 100 women with seed-funding to scale up their businesses using digital marketing platform

Deliverables :

– Steering committee decisions

– List of beneficiaries who receive seed funding

– Progress report for seed funding for 100 women

Due Date : 15 AUG 2023

4. Stage : Capacity building workshop

Task :

Conduct one day workshop to build the capacity of national partners and NGOs by introduce the new established women-entrepreneurship and business platform

Deliverables :

Report of the capacity building workshop

Due Date : 01 SEP 2023

5. Stage : Final Reporting & Evaluation

Task :

– Prepare a final report presenting the training programme, outcomes, achievements, challenges, and proposed improvements/scalability ideas.

– Compile the beneficiaries’ evaluation of the training programme.

Deliverables :

– Final assignment report .

– Compilation of beneficiaries’ evaluation of the training programme

Due Date : 15 SEP 2023

Implementing Partner Profile
In order to implement this intervention, the ILO is looking to work with expert organizations within the local context, who possess experience in the aforementioned activities needed to achieve project outputs. Applying organizations must operate in the form of not-for profit entities.
▪ Proven experience in women empowerment, entrepreneurship, digital marketing, have demonstrated technical experience and sustainable results, practical experience in digitalization, entrepreneurship, e-commerce and businesses scale-up.
▪ Proven competencies in developing and providing digital/e-commerce training
▪ A good understanding of the digital., e-commerce and labour market in Jordan, with particular focus on women.
• Have practical experience in and the capacity to address gender issues/dimensions in training.
▪ Capacity to reach the national partners and NGOs in a timely manner for enrolment in training
▪ Proven excellent reporting, communication, and documentation in both Arabic and English language.

Budget breakdown

Line number Description Unit Quantity Unit cost in JOD Duration / frequency Total cost in JOD




▪ Be a legal non-profit organisation duly registered.
▪ Have a demonstrated active presence and strong work foundations and previous experiences in Jordan.
▪ Strong networking and collaborations with private sectors, employers, and enterprises.
▪ Have the requisite qualified competent personnel/staff for both management and technical related works with the infrastructure and administrative and logistical support for undertaking the specific activities in the project.
▪ Demonstrated financial reliability and accountability, and an established and effective system of accounts/audits.
▪ Working with ILO and/or knowledge of the ILO approaches, tools and methodologies for skills will be an asset. Willingness to comply with the ILO reporting and evaluation systems.

Payment Schedule
The table below summarizes the planned schedule for payments to be made upon the completion and submission of deliverables delineated in this ToR. A deliverable is considered completed upon review and satisfaction of the ILO.

1st Payment

Upon Submission and validation of deliverable 1 as follow:

– Summary report on visits conducted for monitoring and mentoring.

– Training Needs Analysis (TNA) Report

– Mapping exercise report

2nd Payment

Upon Submission and validation of deliverable 2 & 3 as follows:

– Progress report to assist the master trainer to adapt the ILO’s DYB training package to Jordan context.

– Progress report to assist the master trainer to conduct TOT for 20 trainers.

– Progress report to conduct five days training for 150 women from the previous WDB beneficiaries receiving seed funding.

– Steering committee decisions – List of beneficiaries who receive seed funding

3rd and final Payment

Upon Submission and validation of deliverable 4& 5 as follows:
– Report of the capacity building workshop
– Final assignment report including technical and financial report
– Compilation of beneficiaries’ evaluation of the training programme.

All above deliverables to the satisfaction of the ILO.

The tasks and deliverables under this assignment will be carried out under the direct supervision of the POS Programme Officer and overall guidance of the POS CTA. Overall technical review will also be provided by the Regional Enterprise Technical specialist. All data and information received from ILO for this assignment are to be treated confidentially and are only to be used in connection with the execution of these Terms of Reference (TOR). The contents of written materials obtained and used in this assignment may not be disclosed to any third parties without the express advance written authorization of the ILO. All intellectual property rights arising from the execution of these TOR are assigned to the International Labour Organization. The intellectual property rights of the materials modified through the assignment remains with the International Labour Organization.

How to apply

The ILO invites technical and financial proposals from qualified non-profit organizations/entities having relevant experience in managing women empowerment, entrepreneurship, digital marketing programmes as stipulated in this Terms of Reference (TOR). Technically responsive and financially viable organization/entity will be chosen following ILO’s procurement rules/procedures on evaluation by ILO team of professionals.
The bidding organisation must submit the proposed offer “Technical and Financial Proposals” in separate digital folders mentioning “Technical Proposal” and “Financial Proposal”. The two digital folders saved in one digital folder (zipped) with the title saved as the full name of the organization/entity, followed by the project title “POS/Entrepreneurship for Women/JORDAN”, and date of submission.
Both financial and technical proposals should be valid for 90 days and sent to
. The deadline for submission of technical and financial proposals is 30th March 2023 COB, 12 midnight.
Cumulative Evaluation Method will be used for this procurement exercise and the “Implementation Agreement” will be signed to highest scorer(s) in Cumulative analysis considering Technical and Financial Evaluation:

• Technical Proposal (70%) The Technical proposal will contain 70% weight, whereas Technical Evaluation passing score is 50%. Any applying entity that scores less than 50% in Technical Evaluation shall not be considered for financial evaluation. The technical proposal is expected
to be submitted by the supplier in the following structure:

  1. Organization’s profile demonstrating required capacity, why they are the most suitable for the work.
  2. Detailed description of relevant past works and assignments related to work-based learning programmes.
  3. Interpretation of the TORs objectives, in addition to the proposed methodology on how they will approach and conduct the work.
  4. Detailed work plan with a timeline related to the different activities in addition to implementation methods.
  5. CVs of Team leader and staff involved in the project implementation demonstrating their capacity to conduct the assignment.
  6. Foreseen challenges during the implementation of the project and mitigation methods.

• Financial Proposal (30%) The financial proposal will contain 30% weight. The organizations/entities shall complete the financial proposal using the table/format below:

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