
Enhanced employment readiness of Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanians through targeted and demand-driven skills development approaches. At International Labour Organization

Assignment Objectives
The overall objective of this assignment is:
(a) Implement a pilot initiative on work-based learning that facilitates youth transition to decent employment.
(b) Enrol and train 500 beneficiaries in vocational training/Work Based Learning (WBL) programmes.

Scope of Work and Methodology
ILO is seeking a Non-Governmental Organization (Implementing Partner) to deliver a demand driven WBL programmes that lead to employment. The training program must follow the WBL instructions that are approved by the Technical and Vocational Skills Development Commission (TVSDC).
The training programme provided by the implementing partner should be in line with TVSDC- Work Based Learning instructions. The implementing partner shall receive a formal approval on the WBL training programme from TVSDC. The implementing partner will deliver job placement services to WBL graduates who will be placed in jobs at the end of the WBL programmes.
The targeted beneficiaries of these WBL programmes should be 50% from Jordanian host community and 50% Syrian Refugees, including at least 30% women. The WBL will be conducted in Amman, Irbid, Zarqa, Mafraq, Jarash, Ajloun, Tafaila, Madaba and Karak governorates.
The training programme will facilitate WBL programmes’ graduates’ smooth transition to the labour market and enable them to access decent employment.
The implementation cycle of a WBL programme should consist of the following these main processes:
▪ Planning for WBL programmes
▪ Developing WBL training programmes and have it approved by TVSDC
▪ Organizing and Delivering the WBL training programmes
▪ Provide pre/post assessment for participants in the WBL training programmes

The Implementing Partner will undertake the following tasks for each of the above-mentioned processes:

Planning for WBL programmes
▪ Conduct consultations to identify skills needs in the labour market supply and demand gaps, available job vacancies in the occupations (jobs); and specific industries and enterprises ready for starting WBL programmes with relevant institutions. The implementing partner needs to coordinate with the following institutions such as: Ministry of Labour, Department of Statistics (DOS), TVSDC and National Center for Human Resources Development, also employers’ organizations, market associations and National Sector Skills Councils (NSSCs).

Analyse the feasibility of conducting the WBL programmes in the identified
enterprises for the selected occupations.
▪ Conduct analysis of the list of potential enterprises, employers, and workplaces to select the appropriate one to be engaged in the WBL programmes based on the pre-set criteria.
▪ Assess the envisaged WBL programmes in line with the TVSDC’ rules and regulations.

Developing WBL training programmes
▪ Identify a list of competencies to be covered in the WBL programmes.
▪ Analyse the identified work processes, i.e., define the needed professional/technical skills, life skills, foundation skills needed to perform each of the work processes covered in the WBL programmes.
▪ Develop the training programme in line with TVSDC rules and regulations.
▪ Get formal approval from TVSDC on the WBL training programme.
Organising and Delivering WBL training programmes
▪ Conduct training on approved WBL programmes to 500 beneficiaries in vocational training/WBL programmes.
▪ Develop the WBL training plans, agreement between apprentices an enterprise on ethical codes and working conditions, tracking, monitoring, and assessment tools (such the tools for assessing trainees’ acquisition and mastering of skills, trainees’ self-assessment tools, trainee logbook).
Provide pre/post training assessment for participants in the WBL training programmes
▪ Conduct pre/post-training evaluation and prepare the training evaluation report.
▪ Job placement services delivered to WBL graduates who will be placed in jobs at the end of the WBL programmes.

Deliverables, Timeframe & Indicative Work Programme
The work is planned to start on March 11th 2023 and is expected to be completed no later than 25th August 2023. The deadlines in the table below are a suggestion. However, it is preferable to abide by the starting date and finish date of the assignment.

(1) Inception report on the planning of the WBL programmes which includes a detailed workplan and timeline of activities.
Timeline : Within the first 2 weeks of signing the agreement : Due on 25th of March 2023

(2) Summary report of consultations summarising the outcomes to identify the labour market supply and demand gaps for the respective sectors to deliver demand driven work-based learning, and available job vacancies in the occupations.
Timeline : 1 month Due on 25th of April 2023

(3) WBL programmes in the identified occupations are developed and approved by TVSDC (official letter of approval by TVSDC should be submitted by the IP to ILO prior to conducting training) Timeline : Due on 25th of May2023

(4) 500 beneficiaries are selected to participate in the approved training programmes.
50% of the targeted beneficiaries of these WBL programmes should be Jordanians and 50% Syrians, including at least 30% women. Timeline ; Due on 25th of June 2023

(5) 500 beneficiaries successfully completed the approved WBL training programs. Timeline : Due on 1st of August 2023

(6) Pre/post WBL training programmes evaluation reports are submitted. Timeline : At the beginning/end of each training program ( Pre/post training evaluation reports) , Timeline : due on 15th of August 2023

(7) Final report includes the outcomes of the training programmes, lessons learned, and stakeholders’ views on the implemented WBL programme. Timeline : Due on 25th of August 2023

Implementing Partner Profile
The Implementing Partner will have the following required expertise:
▪ Proven experience in developing, managing and implementing skills training, vocational training programmes, and work-based learning programmes; Have demonstrated technical experience and sustainable results, with a minimum of seven years of practical experience in market-oriented skills training, work-based learning, and employment.
▪ Proven experience in implementing work-based learning programmes.
▪ Proven competencies (human resources and skills) and experience in providing training.
▪ A good understanding of the labour market in Jordan.
• Have practical experience in and the capacity to address gender issues/dimensions in training and employment.
▪ Capacity to reach the target group in a timely manner for both enrolment to skills training and employment.
▪ Proven experience in skills development and employment services as well as job placement activities is an asset.
▪ Proven excellent reporting, communication, and documentation in both Arabic and English language.

▪ Be a legal non-profit organisation duly registered.
▪ Proven experience in employment services and job placement activities with the link to the Ministry of Labour (MoL) job seekers platform/database is an asset.
▪ Have a demonstrated active presence and strong work foundations and previous experiences in Jordan.
▪ Strong networking and collaborations with private sectors, employers, and enterprises.
▪ Capacity to ensure jobs placement within six month after training to considerable number of beneficiaries;
▪ Have the requisite qualified competent personnel/staff for both management and technical related works with the infrastructure and administrative and logistical support for undertaking the specific activities in the project.
▪ Strong relations, linkages, and collaborations with the government and non-government institutions focusing on vocational training, work-based learning, and job placement; Previous working and collaboration with public training providers, chambers, and the vocational training centres is an advantage.
▪ Demonstrated financial reliability and accountability, and an established and effective system of accounts/audits.
▪ Working with ILO and/or knowledge of the ILO approaches, tools and methodologies for skills will be an asset. Willingness to comply with the ILO reporting and evaluation systems.
▪ Wide outreach to beneficiaries and job seekers to the skill training and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programmes.
▪ Should have proven experience with decent work principles while applying the WBL.

Evaluation For Proposals :

Cumulative Evaluation Method will be used for this procurement exercise and the “Implementation Agreement” will be signed to highest scorer(s) in Cumulative analysis considering Technical and Financial Evaluation:
• Technical Proposal (70%) The Technical proposal will contain 70% weight, whereas Technical Evaluation passing score is 50%. Any applying entity that scores less than 50% in Technical Evaluation shall not be considered for financial evaluation. The technical proposal is expected to be submitted by the bidders in the following structure:

Organization’s profile demonstrating required capacity, why they are the most suitable for the work, and local presence/activities in Amman, Irbid, Zarqa, Mafraq, Jarash, Ajloun, Tafaila, Madaba and Karak governorates.
➢ Detailed description of relevant past works and assignments related to work-based learning programmes, with particular focus on that targeted refugees and host community in Amman, Irbid, Zarqa, Mafraq, Jarash, Ajloun, Tafaila, Madaba and Karak governorates.
➢ Organization’s profile demonstrating required capacity to provide job placement services to the WBL graduates.
➢ Interpretation of the TORs objectives, in addition to the proposed methodology on how they will approach and conduct the work.
➢ Detailed work plan with a timeline related to the different activities in addition to implementation methods: coordination of partners, cooperation mechanisms, result oriented, and M&E.
➢ CVs of Team leader and staff involved in the project implementation demonstrating their capacity to conduct the assignment.
➢ Foreseen challenges during the implementation of the project and mitigation methods.
The Technical proposals will be evaluated in accordance with the criteria stated below:

Description of Technical Evaluation Score ( 70% ):
Percentage Relevant Experience in managing the design and implementation of work-based learning programmes
20% Strong field presence in Amman, Irbid, Zarqa, Mafraq, Jarash, Ajloun, Tafaila, Madaba and Karak governorates, and working with chambers, public TVET providers, and vocational training centres in these governorates
20% Understanding of the TORs and the aim of the services to be provided; Overall methodological approach, work plan, quality assurance, appropriateness of tools and estimated difficult and challenges
20% Organization of tasks, including the timetable
10% Human Resources proposed for the assignment (qualification and experience) + detailed CVs 15%
10% Job placement services that will be provided to the WBL graduates and percentage of WBL graduates who will be placed in jobs with the end of the WBL programmes
10% Clarity of the proposal, provision of all required documentation, and innovative delivery are considered as a cross cutting measurement criteria.

Description of Financial Proposa(30%)

The financial proposal will contain 30% weight. The organizations/entities shall complete the financial proposal using the table/format below using an excel sheet and submit both the Excel and the Pdf versions.
Budget breakdown
Line number
Unit cost in JOD
Duration / frequency
Total cost in JOD

The financial proposal should indicate the number of WBL programmes to be implemented, the number of targeted beneficiaries, number of participating workplaces/employers/enterprises, the duration of each training programme, and the total cost.
The financial proposal will be evaluated based on price reasonableness, cost per trainee, and overall cost. The financial proposal shall demonstrate the following items:
➢ Activity costs for implementing the work-based learning programmes.
➢ Management cost to manage the activities and tasks of the assignment including staffing cost (project leader, administrative and financial support, coordinators, trainers, reporting and mentoring officers, etc).
➢ Overhead costs and other costs associated with the project (including travel, printing, etc.).

Payment Schedule
The table below summarizes the planned schedule for payments to be made upon the completion and submission of deliverables delineated in this ToR. A deliverable is considered completed upon review and satisfaction of the ILO.
1st Payment Upon Submission and validation of deliverables 1& 2 as follow: – Inception report on the planning of the WBL programmes which includes detailed workplan and timeline of activities – Summary report of consultations summarising the outcomes to identify the labour market supply and demand gaps for the respective sectors to deliver demand driven work-based learning .

2nd Payment Upon Submission and validation of deliverable 3 & 4 as follows: – WBL programmes in the identified occupations are developed and approved by TVSDC. – 500 beneficiaries are selected to participate in the approved training programmes.

3rd and final Payment
Upon Submission and validation of deliverable 5& 6& 7as follows:
– Pre/post WBL training programmes evaluation reports are submitted.
– Final report includes the lessons learned, and stakeholders’ views on the implemented WBL programmes, along with the outcomes of the training programmes.

All the above deliverables to the satisfaction of the ILO.

The tasks and deliverables under this assignment will be carried out under the direct supervision of the POS Programme Officer and overall guidance of the POS CTA. Overall technical review will also be provided by the Regional Skills Technical specialist. All data and information received from ILO for this assignment are to
be treated confidentially and are only to be used in connection with the execution of these Terms of Reference (TOR). The contents of written materials obtained and used in this assignment may not be disclosed to any
third parties without the express advance written authorization of the ILO. All intellectual property rights arising from the execution of these TOR are assigned to the International Labour Organization. The intellectual property rights of the materials modified through the assignment remains with the International Labour Organization.

How to apply

The ILO invites technical and financial proposals from qualified non-profit organizations/entities having relevant experience in managing work-based learning programmes as stipulated in this Terms of Reference (TOR). Technically responsive and financially viable organization/entity will be chosen following ILO’s procurement rules/procedures on evaluation by ILO team of professionals.
The bidding organisation must submit the proposed offer “Technical and Financial Proposals” in separate digital folders mentioning “Technical Proposal” and “Financial Proposal”. The two digital folders saved in one digital folder (zipped) with the title saved as the full name of the organization/entity, followed by the project title “POS/WBL/JORDAN”, and date of submission.
Both financial and technical proposals should be valid for 90 days and sent to and . The deadline for submission of technical and financial proposals is 5th March 2023 COB, 12 midnight.

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