How to Immigrate to Canada in 2022

There’s no better time to start your move to Canada for 2022 than right now! As we’ve mentioned in previous blogs, moving across the world doesn’t happen overnight, it takes planning and time.

Now would be the best time to learn how to immigrate to Canada in 2022 because the Canadian government has a goal of inviting 411,000 new immigrants as permanent residents and by preparing ahead you can increase your chances of being one of them.

Let’s have a look at how you and your family can live in one of the best countries in the world!

How to Move in Canada in 2022

Canada is a big believer in immigration and therefore has over 100 visa and immigration programs to allow immigrants from all over the world to work and live in Canada. Of these many programs, Canada has three top programs that will have you living in Canada as a permanent resident.

They are as follows:

Express Entry

If you haven’t heard of Canada’s famous Express Entry yet, then you’re missing out as it is one of the top ways to immigrate to Canada as a foreign skilled worker. Express Entry, which started in 2019, is an online system. This makes it accessible to everyone from all over the world.

The Express Entry system will be responsible for inviting 110,500 of the 411,000 total, that’s approximately 26 percent. This will be done through the three federal economic programs run through the Express Entry:

  1. Federal Skilled Worker Program
  2. Federal Skilled Trades Program; and
  3. Canadian Experience Class.

So, how does Express Entry work?

You would need to determine if you meet the Express Entry requirements, if successful you’ll need to create an online profile. After this, you’ll then be placed into the Express Entry pool, along with other eligible candidates. You’ll also be given a Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score which ultimately determines if you will receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA). An ITA means you have the chance to apply for Canadian permanent residency.

How to receive a good CRS score

Your total CRS score is made up of two sections. The core set of points is a total of 600 and the additional set of points of 600 points. This makes the maximum score 1,200 points.

Core: 600 points

  • Skills and experience factors;
  • Spouse or common-law partner factors, such as their language skills and education; and
  • Skills transferability, including education and work experience.

Additional: 600 points

  • Canadian degrees, diplomas or certificates;
  • A valid job offer;
  • A nomination from a province or territory;
  • A brother or sister living in Canada who is a citizen or permanent resident; and
  • Strong French language skills.

Good to know:

A provincial nomination can earn you 600 points, this means it can almost guarantee an ITA as you would already have half of the total amount achievable!

Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)

The Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) is yet another great way to move to Canada. In order to address the labour needs in each province of Canada, the government and local provinces have an agreement. The agreement allows the local provinces to nominate eligible foreign skilled workers, such as yourself, to live and work permanently in Canada.

There are many advantages to the PNP. They include:

  • You would be moving to Canada with a job offer in hand;
  • The Government has a goal of inviting 81,000 immigrants to Canada;
  • You’ll arrive in Canada with permanent residency;
  • Certain PNP streams processing time can be done as short as 4 months;

How to apply for a Provincial Nomination?

Applying for a provincial nomination can go two ways. You could either apply directly via a paper application or via the Express Entry system. It’s good to know that applying directly will have additional costs because you’ll be using mail or courier services and it will take approximately 15 to 19 months to find out the results of your application.

However, if you go via the Express Entry system your processing time will be much faster and you’ll have two ways to apply. Either through expressing interest through your Express Entry profile or by applying through a Provincial Nominee Express Entry Stream.

Regardless of the method, you choose to apply for a nomination through, a good tip would be to always apply to a province in Canada where your occupation or skill is in-demand. Doing so will increase your chances of receiving an ITA and immigrate to Canada in 2022.

FAQ 1: What are the top occupations in-demand in Canada?


In-Demand Jobs in Canada
OccupationAverage Salary
Software Developer$42,178 – $112,125 per year
Electrical Engineer$51,129 – $130,708 per year
Registered Nurse$46,878 – $93,600 per year
Financial Advisor$39,838 – $107,815 per year
Administrative Assistant$29,250 – $63,745 per year
Customer service Representative$25,350 – $56,550 per year
Human Resource Manager$50,134 – $137,748 per year
Project Manager$33,150 – $75,406 per year
Truck Driver$29,737 – $65,617 per year
General Labourer$25,350 – $44,323 per year

FAQ 2: What is the cost of immigrating through Express Entry in 2022?

Express Entry Costs
FeesTotal Amount in CAD
Your application – processing fee is $825 and a right of permanent residence fee is $500$1,325
Your application fee (without a right of permanent residence fee)$825
Including your spouse or partner – the processing fee is $825 and a right of permanent residence fee is $500$1,325
Including your spouse or partner (without a right of permanent residence fee)$825
Including a dependent child$225

FAQ 3: Which city has the most job opportunities in Canada?

Vancouver, British Columbia has a fast-growing economy and is one of the world’s wealthiest, cultured and more diverse cities in Canada. This means there are many jobs available across several different fields. Here are just a few jobs in-demand in British Columbia:

  • Payroll administrators (NOC 1432);
  • Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants (NOC 4413);
  • Technical sales specialists (NOC 6221);
  • Janitors, caretakers and building superintendents (NOC 6733);
  • Computer programmers and interactive media developers (NOC 2174);
  • Transport truck drivers (NOC 7511); and
  • Underground production and development miners (NOC 8231).

Why Should People Immigrate to Canada?

Well, for starters Canada welcomes immigrants from over 200 different countries. This says a lot about how Canada views diversity, in fact, Canada is one of the most diverse countries in the world.

Not only do they accept people from all over the world but once you’re in Canada they help you adjust to your new life. Canada has over 500 immigrant-serving organizations across the country. The purpose of these organizations is to provide free support to help immigrants integrate into Canada’s economy and society.

Within these organizations, you’ll be provided with English and French language classes, as well as job training and mentorship if needed. The organizations go the further mile by helping with many other forms of assistance that you may need. Many of these organizations can be found on the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website.

Today, most immigrants become citizens. In fact, over 85 percent of immigrants obtain Canadian citizenship, which is one of the highest rates in the world.