
Final evaluation of the “Supporting the Western Indian Ocean architecture for maritime security…” project At International Organization for Migration

Established in 1951, IOM is the leading inter-governmental organization in the field of migration and works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners. IOM is dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. It does so by providing services and advice to governments and migrants.


The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has implemented a regional project entitled “Supporting the Western Indian Ocean Mechanism for Maritime Security: Promoting Maritime Governance on Migration Issues in the Indian Ocean Commission Region”, funded by the IOM Development Fund during the period January 2020 to August 2022. As part of the project, a set of activities were organised, including a training needs assessment, capacity development sessions, a feasibility assessment for the setting up of a secured dedicated network and database for migration-related information sharing in the context of maritime security, an analysis of cross-border migration flows, routes and characterize trends in the regional maritime context and the donation of equipment to Regional Centres established under the Regional Maritime Security Programme (MASE) funded by the European Union. The project was implemented in collaboration with the IOC, the Regional Maritime Information Fusion Centre (RMIFC) and the Regional Coordination Operations Centre (RCOC). The two regional centres were established by the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) to allow the rapid sharing of information and respond to transnational organized crimes in the maritime context in a more coordinated manner. In addition, the centres serve as an advanced alert mechanism in case of the existence or detection of potential or proven maritime risks and threats, including but not limited to migrant smuggling and trafficking in persons by sea. The RMIFC helps to collate, document and dispatch information gathered regarding maritime security, while the RCOC acts as the operational arm for implementing responses.

The main beneficiaries of the regional maritime security project are the Comoros, Madagascar and Mauritius, while the project also benefitted to other IOC Member States (France / La Réunion and Seychelles). Signatory states of the MASE Agreement benefit indirectly from the project. At country level, the beneficiaries include Ministries of Justice, Interior and Security, including respective maritime law enforcement authorities and prosecution services of the IOC countries. The overall objective of the project is to contribute to strengthen Governments’ capacities in selected Western Indian Ocean countries to better understand and address the risks and threats posed by migration-related transnational organized maritime crime in the region, including migrant smuggling.

The expected outcomes and outputs of the project are:

  • Outcome 1 – Key stakeholders at regional and national levels successfully implement a vulnerability-sensitive approach to protecting migrants at sea
    • Output 1.1: The operational capacities on migration in a maritime context of key stakeholders are increased, including gender specific considerations
    • Output 1.2: Key stakeholders have an increased understanding of regional approaches of migration in the context of maritime security within the region
  • Outcome 2: Member States effectively address transnational crime threats in the Western Indian Ocean region through information and intelligence-sharing networks.
    • Output 2.1: An assessment on the setting up of a secured dedicated network and database for migration-related information and intelligence sharing in the context of maritime security is available
    • Output 2.2: Information and data exchange mechanisms are strengthened to provide reliable data on human trafficking and smuggling of migrants, including gender specific considerations, in the Western Indian Ocean region

Core Functions / Responsibilities:

Scope and purpose of the Assignment

IOM conducts project and programme evaluations as part of its commitment to improved results-based management. Results of this evaluation will be used by project management, senior management, stakeholders and the donor to improve decision-making, ensure accountability, and support future programme design and implementation. Key lessons and best practices emanating from the project will also be documented.

The project provides for an ex-post evaluation following the completion of implementation phase of the project. The specific objective of the evaluations is to assess the relevance of project design, coherence of the interventions vis-à-vis other interventions, the effectiveness and performance of the project, the efficiency of project management and implementation, and to the extent possible the impact and sustainability of the project. The IOM Regional Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, based in the Regional Office in Pretoria, or designated official from the IOM evaluation roster will have oversight of the evaluation in liaison and with the support from technical specialists at the Regional Office and/or HQ, and, in coordination with the Chiefs of Mission in Mauritius and Madagascar.

The findings and recommendations of the evaluation are intended for use by a variety of audiences, such as project management, senior management, stakeholders and donors. In particular, they will be used by management to assess organizational effectiveness in implementing strategies, programmes, projects and activities. Similarly, the evaluation will serve as a means for key stakeholders to assess the relevance and accountability of the project to intended beneficiaries. It represents an opportunity for the programme/ project team to uncover and document lessons learned and best practices from a completed set of activities. The evaluation will serve as a conduit for the donor (IOM Development Fund – IDF) to assess value for money for a set of activities it has funded. Besides, the evaluation results are expected to guide in the development of new projects.

The evaluation will adhere to the principle of intentionality, which means that evaluation is being undertaken as there is a clear intent to use the evaluation findings (in line with the UNEG Norms for Evaluation in the UN system).

The evaluation will cover the period of project execution, more specifically from 01 January 2020 to 31 August 2022. It will consider the expected outcomes and outputs and their achievement in the targeted countries, in particular, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles and Union of Comoros. The Indian Ocean Commission General Secretariat as well as the two regional centres (RMIFC and RCOC) will also be included in the evaluation coverage.

The assignment will be undertaken under the overall supervision of the Chief of Mission for IOM Mauritius & Seychelles, and direct supervision of IOM Mauritius Programme & Policy Officer, in close coordination with IOM Regional Monitoring & Evaluation Officer.

Evaluation criteria

The following evaluation (OECD/DAC) criteria will form the basis of the evaluation:

  1. Relevance of the project – the extent to which the project objectives and intended results remain valid and pertinent either as originally planned or as subsequently modified
  2. Effectiveness of the project – the extent to which the project has achieved its objectives/intended results, taking into account their relative importance.
  3. Efficiency of project management and implementation – analyses how well resources in general (funds, expertise, time, etc.), or inputs, have been used to undertake activities, and have been converted into outputs.
  4. Coherence of the interventions vis-à-vis other interventions – the extent to which other interventions (particularly policies) support or undermine the intervention, and vice versa. This criterion includes both internal coherence and external coherence.
  5. Impact – how activities of the project/programme contributed to a change in a situation, intended or unintended, directly or indirectly, positive or negative, and what the project/programme was expected to bring.
  6. Sustainability of the project to date – it refers to the durability of the project’s results, or the continuation of the project’s benefits once external support ceases.

In addition to the abovementioned OECD/DAC criteria, the evaluation will address relevant cross-cutting themes of rights-based approach to programming, gender mainstreaming, environmental sensitivity and sustainability, sustainability of results, principled humanitarian action and mainstreaming protection into crisis response.

The evaluation will have to be carried out in line with common norms, standards and ethical guidelines as set out by IOM and the United Nations in general. The common principles include, among other things, utility, feasibility, accuracy, transparency, independence, consultation, credibility, impartiality and sustainability. These principles should be applied in full respect of human rights, data protection and confidentiality, gender considerations, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, language, disability, and other considerations when designing and implementing the evaluation.


The final evaluation will be conducted in line with IOM policies and Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) guidelines. The final methodology will be proposed by the evaluator and will be confirmed following discussions with IOM. IOM suggests a mixed methods approach utilizing secondary and primary sources, and both qualitative and quantitative approaches while using triangulation. The process should involve the use of participative techniques and appropriate methods include:

  • Desk review of project documentation, including project proposal, narrative donor updates, activity reports, interim and final project reports, and other relevant documents/reports.
  • Interviews, focus group discussions, and/or surveys with project team, implementation partners and stakeholders including beneficiaries, government officials, civil society organisations, the Indian Ocean Commission, the RCOC, the RMIFC and other relevant stakeholders.

The methodology must guarantee inclusive participation of all the stakeholders involved. Coordination with the IOM Office in Mauritius shall be ensured throughout the process, particularly regarding in-country consultations.

The IOM office in Mauritius & Seychelles will share the project proposal, activity reports, interim and final project reports and other relevant documents with the evaluator. The office will also arrange internal transport during the in-country mission, liaise with all relevant stakeholders, coordinate review of evaluation deliverables, prepare management response, and, widely disseminate the evaluation report afterwards.

IOM abides by the UNEG Norms and Standards for evaluations and expects all evaluation stakeholders and the consultant(s) to be familiar and compliant with the UNEG Ethical Guidelines for Evaluation, as well as the UNEG Codes of Conduct for Evaluation in the UN System. The evaluation must be conducted in full respect of IOM Data Protection Principles as well as relevant ethical guidelines.

The evaluator’s primary focal points for the evaluation will be the Chief of Mission for IOM Mauritius & Seychelles and the National Programme & Policy Officer. Other project team members who will be available to support the final evaluation include the Chief of Mission for IOM Madagascar and Comoros, other relevant staff members of IOM Madagascar and the Head of Office for IOM Comoros.

Tangible and measurable outputs of the work assignment

The consultant is expected to perform the following tasks / activities:

  1. Conduct an inception meeting with IOM to discuss the methodology, timeframe and other elements to be included the inception report. In line with standard practice, a management meeting will be held at the beginning of the evaluation process to ensure that the project team, the evaluator, and stakeholders (if relevant) all share a common understanding of the evaluation process and various roles and responsibilities, as well as to have a de-brief and presentation of initial findings following conclusion of the data collection and preliminary analysis. This allows for any obvious oversights, misinterpretations, or information gaps to be identified and addressed before the evaluator begins drafting the final report.
  2. Conduct an initial review of the literature and documents in relation to the project and identify key stakeholders to consult.
  3. Provide an inception report for the assignment, including the scope of the evaluation, a detailed work plan, roadmap, and methodology as well as protocols relevant for the assignment. The inception report will be presented to and validated by IOM.
  4. Conduct an analysis of secondary and primary data gathered using Key Informant Interviews, review of policy and other documents, field visits, and other methods as appropriate. It is important to consider the project proposal (including logical framework) activity reports, interim and final project reports, documents and data that are available as well as any unpublished data sources.
  5. Prepare a draft evaluation report consisting of at least 20 pages (ideally 20-30, max 50) without annexes
  6. Prepare a (PowerPoint) presentation outlining the initial findings and present the evaluation findings and recommendations to IOM and key stakeholders.
  7. Prepare a final evaluation report consisting of at least 20 pages (ideally 20-30, max 50) without annexes including an evaluation brief in IOM provided template (two-page summary) and a management response matrix


This assignment is expected to start tentatively in March 2023, but the actual timeline is subject to change based on the date the agreement is signed between IOM and the Consultant. The assignment shall be completed no later than July 2023.


  1. Inception report (including evaluation matrix and final methodology) (Deliverable to be submitted in English)
  2. Draft evaluation report and data collection tools (Deliverable to be submitted in English)
  3. Presentation of initial findings (Deliverable to be submitted in French)
  4. Final evaluation report, evaluation brief, data collection tools and management response matrix (Deliverable to be submitted in English)

All deliverables are to be produced and delivered in English or French language, as indicated for each deliverable and meet professional language standards.

Required Qualifications and Experience

IOM is seeking applications from individual consultants and/or consortiums of individual consultants. The successful (lead) consultant should have a minimum of the following qualifications and experience:


  • Master’s degree in Programme Evaluation, Economics, Statistics, Social Sciences or a related field from an accredited academic institution with at least 5 years of relevant professional experience;
  • or University degree in the above fields with at least 10 years of relevant professional experience;

Experience & Skills

  • Experience in migration, maritime context or transnational organized crimes is preferred;
  • Minimum of five years’ experience in conducting mixed methods evaluation (designing evaluations, collecting and analysing both quantitative and qualitative data; drafting evaluation report) ;
  • Ability to write analytical reports in English;
  • Ability to produce quality work accurately and concisely according to deadlines;
  • Proven experience in facilitating meetings with government stakeholders;
  • Strong computer literacy and competences in using statistical software (SPSS or STATA);


Fluency in English and French is required.

Required Competencies


  • Inclusion and respect for diversity: encourages the inclusion of all team members and stakeholders while demonstrating the ability to work constructively with people with different backgrounds and orientations.
  • Integrity and transparency: maintains impartiality and takes prompt action in cases of unprofessional or unethical behaviour.
  • Professionalism: demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter and willingness to improve knowledge and skills

Core Competencies

  • Teamwork: establishes strong relationships with colleagues and partners; relates well to people at all levels.
  • Delivering results: produces quality results and provides quality services to clients.
  • Managing and sharing knowledge: shares knowledge and learning willingly, and proactively seeks to learn from the experiences of others.
  • Accountability: operates in compliance with organizational regulations and rules.
  • Communication: encourages others to share their views, using active listening to demonstrate openness and to build understanding of different perspectives.


Appointment will be subject to certification that the candidate is medically fit for appointment, accreditation, any residency or visa requirements, and security clearances.

How to apply

Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications to the Human Resources Unit by email to with clear reference of the advert (MU10.REI 2022-103) in the subject line by 31 January 2023. The application package should include:

  • a cover letter;
  • a detailed CV and P11 Form of the lead consultant that will be involved in the assignment, including contact details of three (3) references (The Personal History (P11) form can be downloaded here:
  • a 2-4 pager technical proposal on your capacity and approach to the assignment, including a proposed timeframe;
  • A 1-page financial proposal indicating the consultant’s daily professional fees in USD and a breakdown of all costs.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Posting period:

From 12.01.2023 to 31.01.2023

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