
Consultancy to support a Case Study on the Diaspora in Climate Action At International Organization for Migration


IOM is seeking to contract the services of a national consultant to support the completion of a multi-country case study to assess the opportunities and challenges in engaging the diaspora in the UK in climate action in their countries of origin – Albania, Bangladesh, Ghana and Jamaica. The national consultant will lead the data collection component of the implementation of the case study in Bangladesh and support other aspects of the case study, under the coordination and supervision of two international consultants who will lead the overall implementation of the case study in Albania, Bangladesh, Ghana, Jamaica and the UK. The national consultant will work under the supervision of the international consultants and the overall direction of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) mission in the UK, and in consultation with the IOM mission in Bangladesh.

Climate change is impacting the lives and livelihoods of people around the world and is one of the greatest global challenges of our time. This will require immediate action and the mobilization of the whole-of-society to be addressed.

Whilst existing approaches to harnessing diaspora support mainly focus on national development objectives and financial support, diaspora contributions remain at the fringe of climate change mitigation and adaptation programming and their non-economic capacities, especially knowledge and peer networks, are yet to be fully leveraged. In the UK, informal conversations with and outreach to Albanian, Bangladeshi, Ghanaian and Jamaican diaspora associations indicate that these diaspora communities are willing and have the interest and capacities to support initiatives to address climate change in their countries of origin. However, these diasporas also indicate that they lack information on climate change priorities in their countries of origin, and the channels through which they can effectively participate in and contribute to the climate action agendas of their countries of origin.

The diaspora potential in climate action remains largely untapped by national governments and stakeholders in their countries of origin, and there is a lack of awareness regarding the willingness and capacity of the diaspora to support climate action. A clearer understanding of how the diaspora can effectively support climate action in their countries of origin and what can facilitate their involvement, together with better channels for consultation between diaspora and national stakeholders would help to leverage diaspora contributions and strengthen their engagement with climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts.

IOM in the UK, in partnership with IOM country offices in Albania, Bangladesh, Ghana and Jamaica, has been awarded funding by the IOM Development Fund (IDF) to implement a 24-month project, which aims to strengthen global action on climate change through diaspora engagement with their countries of origin. “Diaspora for Climate Action (D4C): Leveraging the Potential of Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change through Diaspora Engagement in Albania, Bangladesh, Ghana and Jamaica” will contribute directly to national climate change initiatives in Albania, Bangladesh, Ghana and Jamaica, and in turn to the implementation of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – SDG 7 (7.a), SDG 10 (10.2 and 10.7), SDG 13 (13.1), and SDG 17 (17.3 and 17.16). In the context of this project, IOM is commissioning a multi-country case study assessing the opportunities and challenges experienced by the UK-based diaspora communities from Albania, Bangladesh, Ghana and Jamaica in actively participating in climate action in their countries of origin.

Core Functions / Responsibilities:

  1. Contribute to the design of the study.
    1. Support the international consultants with the finalization of the research design (including methodology, sampling strategy, research questions, data collection methods, data analysis plan, timeline, data analysis and data protection considerations and risk assessment plan) (in English). The first draft of the research design will be developed by the international consultants and will be finalized in consultation with national consultants in Albania, Bangladesh, Ghana and Jamaica.
    2. Support the international consultants with the finalization of the research tools (e.g., Baseline questionnaire, Focused Group discussions (FGD) guideline, Key informant interview guideline, etc.) (in English). The first draft of the research tools will be developed by the international consultants and will be finalized in consultation with national consultants in Albania, Bangladesh, Ghana and Jamaica. Support the international consultants to pilot test the research tools if required.
    3. Support the international consultants with the selection of national research participants.
  2. Conduct the data collection in Bangladesh.
    1. Conduct the data collection in Bangladesh under the supervision of the international consultants, and according to the agreed research design. Research must comply with data protection standards in place in the context of research and should be aligned with IOM Data Protection Principles.
  3. Contribute to the finalization of the case study.
    1. Provide input to the country specific findings in the draft and final report in English, in coordination with the international consultants.
  4. Support the development of country specific presentation material on the final findings and recommendations in coordination with international consultants. Translate the country specific presentation material on the final findings and recommendations. Support the organization of a national dialogue on diaspora engagement in climate action in Bangladesh, and the presentation of country specific case study findings at this meeting.
  5. Consult with international consultants on appropriate and agreed approaches to the specified tasks before their completion.

Tangible and measurable outputs of the work assignment (with realistic delivery dates)

  • Input to the research methodology of the study:
  • The research design (including methodology, sampling strategy, research questions, data collection methods, data analysis plan, timeline, data analysis and data protection considerations and risk assessment plan) (in English).
  • The research tools (e.g., Baseline questionnaire, FGD guideline, Key informant interview guideline, etc.) (in English).

The development and finalization of the research design and research tools will be the responsibility of the international consultants, with input to be provided by the national consultant where relevant (and including pilot testing of research tools as required), through training and workshop sessions to be organized by the international consultants.

  • Input to data collection findings
  • Collect data, based on the tools developed with the international consultants, and keep records, including transcripts and audio-recordings of interviews and FGDs and completed survey datasets.
  • Present input and updates about the data collection findings at regular meetings with the international consultants and highlight findings, which could be of interest and communicated to external audiences.
  • Input to the final and draft reports and country specific presentation material
  • Provide inputs to the draft and final report in English, at national validation workshops to be organized by the international consultants.
  • Support the development of presentation material (PowerPoint or similar) for country specific presentations of the final findings and recommendations. Translate the country specific presentation material on the final findings and recommendations.

The development and finalization of the draft and final reports and country specific presentations will be the responsibility of the international consultants, with inputs to be provided by the national consultant as appropriate.

  • Input to the organization of a national dialogue meeting on diaspora engagement in climate action in Bangladesh
  • Facilitate outreach to national stakeholders attending the meeting.
  • Support the presentation of case study findings at the meeting.
  • Assist with the preparation of the report on the proceedings of the meeting.


The total duration for this assignment will be for 7 months. (April 2023 – October 2023)


Category B Consultant will be hired to deliver as per below. All dates will be confirmed during the contracting process:

Deliverable vs Estimated deadline

Consultation on the research tools and methodology with the international consultants: 14 April 2023:

Launch data collection: 20 April 2023

Submit data collection findings: 15 June 2023

Input to draft of the report: 14 July 2023

Input to presentation of preliminary findings: 31 July 2023

Input to Final report: 8 September 2023

Input to presentation of final findings: 10 October 2023

Input to organisation of national dialogue: To be confirmed

  • Input to the research design and tools (e.g., baseline questionnaire, FGD guideline, Key informant interview guideline, etc.) (in English) by 14 April 2023.
  • Submit the data collection findings (including verbatim transcripts in English and local language of interviews or FGDs conducted in local language) by 15 June 2023.
  • Provide input to the draft report in English by 14 July 2023 (country-specific chapters) and to the final report in English by 8 September 2023. Provide input to and translate the country-specific presentations of the final findings and recommendations and support in delivering country-specific presentations of the final findings and recommendations by 10 October 2023.

Required Qualifications and Experience:


This research can be undertaken either by individual research consultant(s), an academic institution, a research consultancy firm, or a think tank. The offers will be evaluated in compliance with the following requirements:

  • Advanced postgraduate degree (i.e., PhD, MA, MSc) in Economics, Sociology, Geography, Statistics, Development Studies, Migration Studies, Public Affairs and/or other disciplines relevant to the assignment.


  • Demonstrated expertise on migration, environment, and climate change nexus.
  • Demonstrated expertise in researching diaspora will be an advantage.
  • Demonstrated experience in publishing in peer-reviewed journals or being commissioned by government entities, UN agencies, or development partners to develop reports on relevant topics, will be an advantage.
  • Demonstrated expertise and experience in conducting mixed methods research on relevant issues.
  • Demonstrated experience in working in an inter-disciplinary and multi-cultural team, under tight timelines.
  • Demonstrated ability to work in English, with excellent oral and written communication skills in English.
  • Demonstrated ability to work in Bengali, with excellent oral and written communication skills in Bengali.
  • Demonstrated experience in research in Bangladesh.
  • Demonstrated experience with SPSS and/or STATA will be an advantage.
  • Demonstrated experience with NVivo or a related software will be an advantage.


  • Fluency in English is required. Proficiency in Bangla is an advantage.

Desirable Competencies:


  • Accountability – takes responsibility for action and manages constructive criticisms.
  • Client Orientation – works effectively well with client and stakeholders.
  • Continuous Learning – promotes continuous learning for self and others.
  • Communication – listens and communicates clearly, adapting delivery to the audience.
  • Creativity and Initiative – actively seeks new ways of improving programmes or services.
  • Leadership and Negotiation – develops effective partnerships with internal and external stakeholders.
  • Performance Management – identify ways and implement actions to improve performance of self and others.
  • Planning and Organizing – plans work, anticipates risks, and sets goals within area of responsibility.
  • Professionalism – displays mastery of subject matter.
  • Teamwork – contributes to a collegial team environment; incorporates gender related needs, perspectives, concerns and promotes equal gender participation.
  • Technological Awareness – displays awareness of relevant technological solutions.
  • Resource Mobilization – works with internal and external stakeholders to meet resource needs of IOM.


The appointment is subject to funding confirmation.

Appointment will be subject to certification that the candidate is medically fit for appointment or visa requirements and security clearances.

How to apply

The completed proposal (separate files for technical and financial proposal) should be emailed to with the subject line CFA-05/2023/C-DHK1: Consultancy to support a Case Study on the Diaspora in Climate Action” by 19th March 2023. Please keep the attachment size under 5 MB. For any clarification, please contact:

Required Documents:

The consultant needs to submit a technical and financial proposal.

Each Submission Must Include the Following:

  1. Consultant Profile: CV highlighting main assignments and achievements related to competencies and professional experience outlined in section 6 of this Terms of Reference, including the degree of responsibility held in various assignments during the last 5 years.
  2. Technical Proposal: A technical proposal indicating how the work could be completed (maximum 8 pages).
  3. Financial Proposal: A financial proposal, outlining professional fees (in USD) and travel costs. Consultant will be responsible for any tax or VAT issues and need to submit the original bank challan copy at the time of final payment/settlement.
  4. Samples of any relevant publications related to the themes of focus of this study (max 2, including 1 no. in English).


Please ensure that your application is complete with the above-mentioned documents. As incomplete applications generate an immense administrative burden for our organization. As a rule, candidates who have not properly submitted their application with required documents will be excluded from consideration.

Any attempt for persuasion will be considered as a disqualification.


Posting period:

From: 06.03.2023 to 19.03.2023

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