UN Jobs

International consultancy to support the design of youth employment initiatives and resource mobilization efforts in Mongolia At International Labour Organization

Written by Canada Expert
  • Duration of contract: 20 March – 31 October 2023. Number of workdays within this period and the dates of the contract will be finalised during the contracting process.
  • Location: Home-based, with optional travel to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

1. Background

The International Labour Organization (ILO) is the United Nations agency for the world of work and brings together governments, employers and workers to drive a human-centred approach to the future of work through employment creation, rights at work, social protection and social dialogue. The ILO has a long-standing commitment to promote productive employment and decent work for youth in Asia and the Pacific, guided by the ILO follow-up action plan on youth employment 2020-2030. This includes strengthening the capacity of Member States to formulate and implement labour market programmes addressing transitions to decent work for young persons.

Supporting young women and men to access quality education, training and opportunities for productive employment and decent work are key concerns for policy makers, employers’ and workers’ organizations and other key stakeholders in Mongolia and require further efforts towards a human-centred recovery from the COVID-19 crisis. Informality, climate and environmental changes, gender inequalities and skills mismatch are some of the challenges encountered by youth in a changing world of work in Mongolia. Tackling these challenges is reflected in Mongolia’s Vision 2050 and its goals on human development, economy and green development, as well as other sectoral policies, strategies and programmes. The Mongolia Decent Work Country programme (DWCP, 2023-2027) emphasizes the focus on youth in its priority to enhance employment opportunities for all, including the vulnerable groups, to access decent and sustainable employment in an increasingly green, formalized economy. This is an integral part and contributes to the decent work goals under Strategic Priority 2 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSCF, 2023-2027) for Mongolia on Green, inclusive and sustainable growth.

The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection (MLSP) in Mongolia expressed interest to ILO and UNICEF in supporting young people’s education, training and employment in Mongolia through the multi-stakeholder initiatives of the UN Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth (DJY) and Generation Unlimited (GenU). GenU and the DJY are multi-stakeholder initiatives that jointly convene at country-level key actors, public and private, around a common agenda, to advance education, skills development, youth employment and youth participation, in response to national priorities (See Annex for further information about the initiatives). The joint GenU and DJY operating model is expected to be country-based and builds on the work of the UN System by creating public-private partnerships that will achieve improved education, skills, entrepreneurship and employment outcomes for young people at scale.

In 2022, UNICEF and ILO in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, conducted a country assessment and developed a country investment agenda for young people aged 10-24 around six priority areas: (i) quality education and skills development, (ii) productive and decent employment for youth, (iii) equal opportunities an equal access, (iv) youth entrepreneurship, (v) information infrastructure, and (vi) civic participation, in line with national priorities. Consultative meetings, including with youth, employers’ and workers’ organizations, were held on the draft country assessment and agenda to determine the key priority areas of intervention for youth employment. The country investment plan includes, among others, a focus on the transition of youth from the informal to the formal economy, and on green jobs for youth. The plan includes over 60 potential activities grouped across more than 25 interventions, outlining for each activity the purpose, expected outcome, beneficiaries, timing, and participating entities. The investment plan also provides findings from a youth-focused expenditure review in Mongolia (2021) on current levels of budget support to youth development an participation, and provides estimates on the amount of funds needed for each proposed programme under the identified priorities of the investment plan, as well as potential funding sources. This may require validation and update of the financial ‘ask’, the sources of funding and the partnership approaches needed (e.g., funding, peer learning initiatives, etc.).

In this context, ILO and UNICEF aim to support the Government of Mongolia and other key stakeholders in 2023 in advancing the operationalization of the joint country investment agenda for young people in Mongolia under GenU and DJY through the design of youth employment initiatives and support to resource mobilization efforts.

2. Objective of the assignment and scope of work

The objective of the assignment is to support the design of youth employment initiatives and resource mobilization efforts in Mongolia.

The assignment and its outputs are expected to inform and build the joint technical assistance interventions of ILO and UNICEF to support national stakeholders in the operationalization of the country investment plan and to concretize funding opportunities. In parallel, this work is expected to contribute to the development of strategic initiatives/programmes on youth employment by the Government of Mongolia, in consultation with social partners, through participation in the Decent Jobs for Youth Initiative and GenU, including with focus on green jobs for youth, digital jobs for youth, youth entrepreneurship and self-employment, and youth transitioning to the formal economy. In this context, the contractor will ensure to align the proposed interventions with the guidance provided in relevant international labour standards (e.g., R204 – Transition from the Informal to the Formal Economy Recommendation, 2015 (No. 204)).

The international contractor will collaborate closely with a national consultant in consultation with ILO and UNICEF. The role of the national consultant, under supervision of UNICEF, is to review and finalize the report on the Country Assessment and Investment Plan, and contribute to fundraising and implementation of the GenU-DJY initiatives in Mongolia. In particular, this includes the creation of a common fundraising and oversight platform for implementation of the Country Investment Plan at MLSP, support to the design and testing of at least two innovative solutions nationwide within Country Investment Plan, and support to the development of at least two funding proposals to support implementation of Country Investment Plan. The national consultant may be asked to also support with oral or written translation of key points from local language to English or vice versa.

All outputs of the assignment are envisioned to be informed by and comply with the guiding principles for engagement by the UN Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth as the basis for effective, evidence-based and collaborative action on youth employment: multi-dimensional and multi-sectoral approach, rights-based approach, promotion of gender equality, recognition of the heterogeneity of youth and need to promote targeted approached, balanced set of supply- and demand side interventions, focus on the creation of decent jobs and the improvement of the quality of work, promoting the access of young people to productive assets, expanding investments in youth for quality education and skills development, promoting labour market policies, combining active labour market policies and social protection measures, combining immediate action with long-term policy interventions, complementarity and coherence between public policies and private sector initiatives. Involvement of organization representing the interests of young people, focus on achieving impact at the country level and pursuing regional perspectives, where appropriate, leveraging existing platforms and lessons learned, expanded multi-stakeholder partnerships.

3. Tasks, deliverables and timeline

The assignment goes from 20 March 2023 to 31 October 2023. Tasks and deliverables should be aligned with the following timeline. Final versions of deliverables are expected to incorporate the technical inputs and comments following at least two rounds of ILO revisions of draft versions.

The contractor will be responsible to propose the methodology to achieve the deliverables, which may include, but is not limited to: desk research, development of concept notes and project proposals, meetings/consultations with participating UN agencies, UN Resident Coordinator Office, development partners, government entities, workers’ and employers’ organizations, youth representatives, private sector and other stakeholders. All tasks are expected to be synchronized and delivered in collaboration with the national consultant.

The assignment of the international contractor focuses on the following deliverables and preliminary tasks can be found here

4. Payment

The ILO will only pay for services that have been performed and for deliverables that are successfully completed to the satisfaction of the ILO. The payments will be made according to the following schedule:

  • The first payment (20 per cent of the total fee) will be made upon receipt of deliverables 1 and 2 to the satisfaction of the ILO and presentation of the invoice.
  • The second payment (40 per cent of the total fee) will be made upon receipt of deliverables 3 and 4 to the satisfaction of the ILO and presentation of the invoice.
  • The third payment (40 per cent of the total fee) will be made upon receipt of deliverables 5 to the satisfaction of the ILO and presentation of the invoice.

5. Reporting

Throughout the course of this assignment, the contractor will report on a weekly basis on progress and the work carried out to the ILO Youth Employment Specialist in the ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, the ILO Country Office for China and Mongolia, additional specialist in the ILO Decent Work Technical Support Team for East and South-East Asia and the Pacific, the ILO Employment, Labour Markets and Youth Branch and the ILO Department of Partnerships and Field Support (PARDEV).

6. Specific Clauses

All communication to other relevant stakeholders should be coordinated with the ILO. The ILO will provide guidance for design of documents and PowerPoint presentations. Data, figures and tables need to be submitted in separate excel sheets. If it appears necessary to modify the tasks of work or exceed the time allocated, the consultant or institution must discuss the circumstances with the ILO and obtain prior written approval. ILO may disclose the draft or final documents and/or any related information to any person and for any purpose the ILO may deem appropriate.

7. Annex 1 – Relevant ILO and UN resources

Relevant ILO and UN resources to be considered for this assignment include, but are not limited to:

ILO and UN resources in Mongolia

Resources related to design of ILO and UN initiatives and resource mobilization

Other relevant global ILO resources on youth employment:

8. Annex 2 – About GenU and Decent Jobs for Youth

The UN Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth (DJY) is the global initiative under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to facilitate increased impact and expanded country-level action on decent jobs for youth (young people aged 15-29) through multi-stakeholder partnerships, the dissemination of evidence-based policies and the scaling up of effective and innovative interventions. GenU is a global multisector partnership, led by UNICEF, created to meet the urgent need for expanded education, skill development and employment opportunities for young people aged 10-24.

Investment in young people through the initiatives can contribute directly to accelerate results for the realization of the 2030 Agenda 2030, particularly Goal 4 (Quality Education), Goal 5 (Gender Equality), and Goal 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth). The initiatives are also a way to operationalize the vision and priorities of the UN Youth Strategy — in particular, youth engagement, participation and advocacy; supporting young people’s greater access to quality education and skills development; and economic empowerment through decent jobs.

The Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth (DJY) was endorsed by the UN Chief Executives Board for Coordination and launched in February 2016. Generation Unlimited (GenU) was launched at the 73rd Session of the UN General Assembly in September 2018. The two initiatives share a common vision to improve the livelihood situation and future prospects of young people around the world. Under the common vision, DJY and GenU joined forces in hosting the YouthForesight knowledge platform, as a one-stop shop providing curated tools, publications, databases and resources to support evidence-based action for supporting young people’s education and skilling, employment, entrepreneurship, and engagement.

9. Qualifications and required experiences

Education: An advanced degree in the field of economics, social science or related field with demonstrated expertise on employment issues.

Experience in:

  • Designing, implementing and/or monitoring development cooperation projects. Working in the areas of skills development, youth employment and entrepreneurship. Experience working on green jobs, transition from informal to formal economy and gender equality in Asia and the Pacific, or Mongolia, with international organizations would be an advantage.
  • Conducting resource mobilization efforts, producing high-quality concept notes and project proposals, to developing donor mappings and conducing stakeholder dialogues, in complex programme contexts and preferably in the youth employment field. Sound knowledge of donors active in the country, region and global levels is desirable.
  • Organizing consultation meetings and workshops.
  • Engaging with donors, government entities, employers’ and workers’ organizations.
  • Collaborating with the UN system, supporting joint UN initiatives, and understanding of ILO’s and UNICEF’s operational model and areas of work are highly desirable.
  • Producing high-quality reports and project proposals in English.


  • Excellent understanding of labour market interventions.
  • Excellent analytical, drafting and report writing skills. Ability to present information in readily understandable forms.
  • Solid understanding and skills in qualitative research methods.
  • Good understanding of the economy, labour market, institutions and youth employment landscape in Mongolia is desirable.
  • Ability to produce high-quality reports and presentations in English in a timely manner.
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills to engage with the ILO constituents and stakeholders.
  • Excellent project management skills with the ability to manage multiple stakeholders within a demanding timeline.
  • Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Ability to work on own initiative as well as a member of a team. Ability to plan and organise work.

Language: Excellent command and proficient working ability in English. Knowledge of local language of Mongolia would be an asset.

Availability to provide technical support throughout the period of the assignment, and availability to travel to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, if requested.

10. Components of concept note and project document

The concept notes and project proposals need to be in line with guidelines for the design, implementation and monitoring of development cooperation projects provided by ILO. This includes relevant guides on development cooperation, tools and methods for project design and implementation and templates (e.g., stakeholder mapping, theory of change). The documents are expected to include, but are not limited to the following components:

Concept note: Analysis of the challenge, comparative advantage of UN and implementing partners, broader policy framework, project description and change diagram, theory of change, logical framework including outcomes, outputs and activities, indicative budget in line with ILO and UN budgetary requirements.

Project document: Executive summary, background and justification (i.e. problem analysis, stakeholders and target groups, comparative advantage of UN and implementing partners, project contribution to national development), project strategy (i.e. Narrative Theory of Change from intervention to results, expected results per outcome area, Stakeholders ownership and sustainability of results, Risk analysis, inclusivity), monitoring, institutional framework and implementation arrangement, knowledge and communication, management arrangements, evaluation, funding, Annexes ((Theory of change, logical framework, Risk register, workplan, budget and timeline, click this link for more information)

How to apply

Submission of proposal

The ILO accepts the proposals of individual consultants, team of consultants or institutions for this assignment. Interested applicants must submit their proposal with the following:

  1. Technical proposal outlining the work plan and describing how the contractor will approach the assignment, conduct tasks and deliver outputs (max. 5 pages)
  2. Curriculum Vitae (max. 3 pages per CV) and list of team member(s) with a brief explanation of qualifications and relevant experience, their respective role in the assignment, as well as the names and contact details of 3 reference persons
  3. Writing sample (at least one) related to this assignment, such as a technical report or paper
  4. Financial proposal including detailed budget breakdown for professional fees (daily rate and number of work days) and other expenses to complete the work

Interested applicants are requested to submit the technical and financial proposal to the ILO via email (Subject: “Proposal – Youth employment in Mongolia”) to Ms Bolormaa Purevsuren at bpurevsuren@ilo.org and BKK_RESA@ilo.org no later than 9:00 a.m. (Ulaanbaatar) time on Thursday, 2 March 2023. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for the selection process.

About the author

Canada Expert